Building Your Legacy
Endowment gifts are a cornerstone of what makes Nansemond-Suffolk Academy such a unique and vibrant community. Over the years, alumni, parents and friends of NSA have established named endowment funds to honor the legacy of loved ones and provide enduring support for operations, scholarships, faculty development and academic programs.
The NSA Board of Trustees established a policy to allow named endowment funds to be created with a minimum gift of $25,000. Contributions toward these funds can be made over a five-year period.
NSA's endowment, like those at many independent schools, consists of a variety of restricted and unrestricted funds that support operations, scholarships, faculty and staff development, academic programs and facilities maintenance. The endowment generates annual income that ensures the long-term sustainability of the school, helping to meet ongoing operational needs and enhancing the school’s financial stability for the future.
Donors to the endowment can be confident that their contributions will fulfill their intended purpose for as long as the school exists. The principal of the endowment is not spent; instead, a portion of the investment returns is used each year to support NSA’s programs and operations.
In keeping with NSA’s policy, a portion of the endowment income is directed to the programs and initiatives designated by the donors and the Board of Trustees, while the remaining funds are reinvested to preserve the value of the endowment.
Today, NSA’s endowment includes 57 restricted and unrestricted funds, with a total value of more than $5.5 million. If you are interested in learning more about establishing an endowment fund, or if you would like additional information, please contact the director of advancement, Kenda Council ’91, at or (757) 539-8789 ext. 3339.
How Does Endowment Impact Tuition?
Tuition and fees cover approximately 96% of the cost of an NSA education. Philanthropy helps make up most of the difference.
Kenda Council '91
Director of Advancement
(757)539-8789 ext. 3339
“Making the financial commitment to enroll our children at NSA was not an easy one. While my husband and I were going to be able to pay the majority of what was needed to send our children to NSA, we were going to come up a little bit short. I was always very close with my parents, and when I expressed the desire to send our children to NSA, my parents agreed to help. It didn’t take any time to know that the right decision had been made. NSA was like an extension of our family. Everyone who worked at NSA gave us a “good feel” and was full of spirit.""Later, I was divorced, working as a single mom and worrying about my financial ability to keep the children at NSA. I would put the figures together and fret over how in the world I was going to be able to do this. I knew I couldn't take the kids out of this school - a school where they were so happy. Again, I went to my parents, and they stepped in to help.
I had this nagging desire to show my parents how much I appreciated what they did for me. I decided to start a scholarship fund that would help families in need afford NSA. I only had a small amount to start the fund but promised that I would contribute every year and would endow the scholarship through my estate. Through the years, I have kept my word and donated annually to the fund. I make gifts each year in memory of my parents on their birthdays.
I think of all the people who want the best for their children - those who know NSA can provide the best education for their children but just cannot afford it. That's why I give every year. I want every child who wants to attend NSA to have the opportunity to benefit from this nurturing and caring school.”
NSA Past Parent
Endowment Growth and Returns
An endowment fund can be likened to a long-term investment or savings plan. It is a permanent investment account that is built through the generosity of donors. NSA’s Endowment provides the school with financial strength and flexibility for the future, serving as the most reliable way to ensure the continued support of students, faculty and programs.
The endowment plays a critical role in maintaining the long-term affordability of our school by lessening NSA’s reliance on tuition to cover operational costs and other needs. Independent schools like NSA depend on their endowments to succeed and thrive, as the earnings generated provide a steady income each year. By utilizing only a portion of the endowment’s earnings annually, the fund grows over time, creating a lasting impact that benefits NSA for generations to come.
Endowed Funds
- A. Kenneth Scribner, Jr. Endowment Fund
- Anne Bagnell Jones Scholarship Fund
- Anne M. Council Endowment Fund
- Art Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Barbara W. Shelton Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Beazley Foundation Scholarship Fund
- Becky Godwin Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Beverly Burton Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Brenda Darden Kincaid Endowment Fund
Camp Foundation Financial Aid Fund
- Claudia Stell Hawks Endowment Fund
- Cultural Enrichment Fund
- David G. Monette Scholarship Fund for the Arts
- Deborah B. Russell Endowment Fund
- Diversity Endowment Fund
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Endowment Fund
- Dr. Douglas C. Naismith Endowment Fund
- Dr. K. M. Shah Scholarship Fund
- Faculty Salary Endowment Fund
- Faculty and Staff Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Gay Birdsong Memorial Scholarship Fund
- General Endowment Fund
- General Financial Aid Fund
- George Y. and Sue B. Birdsong Financial Aid Endowment Fund
- Harriet Naismith Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Hunter Davis Richardson '04 Alumni Scholarship Fund
- John C. Harrell Endowment Fund
- Kevin C. Blanchard Memorial Sports Scholarship Fund
- Kevin R. Maust Memorial Fund
- Mildred and Lynn Holmes Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Nachiket S. Patel '03 Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Nancy F. Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Patricia Gwaltney Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Professional Enrichment Fund
- PTO Scholarship Fund
- Raymond T. Carson Endowment Fund
- Richard L. Pond III Scholarship Fund
- Rob Harrell Scholarship Fund
- Robert L. Sondej and Family Endowment Fund
- Rollins Scholarship Fund
- Saints Spirit Endowment Fund
- Saints Student Endowment Fund
- Sara Rawles Norfleet Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Science Endowment Fund
- Smiley H. Waller Norway Exchange Program Fund
- Smith Family Scholarship Fund
- Sysco Food Services of Hampton Roads, Inc. Fund
- The Ann S. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Story, Jr. Scholarship Fund in U.S. History or American Studies
- The Camille A. Harrell Endowment Fund for the Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Art Show and Sale
- The Haddad Foundation Scholarship
- The Robert Craig Woods ’83 Endowment Fund
- The Shiembob Scholarship for Excellence in Athletics
- Tom and Jane Birdsong Endowment Fund
- Trent Blythe ’89 Endowment for NSA Boys’ Lacrosse
- Trip Hobbs Endowment Fund