Our Mission
At Nansemond-Suffolk Academy, students are engaged in personal growth, inspired to discover their passion and empowered to make a difference in the world.
Character is Our Foundation
NSA is committed to the social, emotional and physical development of each student. We are intentional in nurturing students to reach their maximum potential. Our students feel a sense of belonging and are respected and connected to those around them, allowing them to thrive academically, artistically, athletically and socially. Our faculty and staff embrace their responsibility as role models in setting high standards of character. Character is our foundation for Honor Above All.
Community is Our Hallmark
NSA is a dedicated and inclusive community of students joined by loyal faculty and staff, parents, alumni, trustees and friends. We are committed to one another and devoted to our belief in Honor Above All. With shared purposes and principles, we seek to improve our school, our community, our society, our environment and our world through our compassion, philanthropy and leadership.
Excellence is Our Standard
From our programs and pedagogy to our personnel and operations, NSA strives for excellence in all aspects of the Saints' experience. All members of the NSA family are committed to achieving their highest potential and helping students to do the same.
Discovery is Our Passion
NSA commits to providing our students with engaging, challenging and inspiring programs. Our environment fosters a love of learning and intellectual exploration, where students are empowered to embrace new opportunities.